Thursday, April 24, 2014

It's time!!!

The moment we've been waiting for has arrived! The babies will be here today at some point in time! I choose to believe that they will be sweethearts and be here by noon, but I could be wrong. :)

The ultrasound today showed that they are both still head down and in position to make their arrival. We are reporting to Labor and Delivery at 6am and then the magic shall begin. Hopefully, we will have a very smooth and uneventful vaginal delivery. The hubby will be doing live Twitter updates. If you would like to follow along, his twitter is @Nockster1. I'll also have him do some facebook updates.

I should be sleeping right now, but I'm a night owl, and how can I sleep anyway?? I'm having twins today! I can't sleep with that swimming around in my mind. Too much excitement, anxiety, etc. I hope the guys are able to get a good nights rest, because it will be the last one they get for a while. ;)

We were gone most of the day at the doctor and hospital with monitoring, ultrasound, blood tests, and all of that fun stuff, so I didn't see a lot of the facebook comments and messages until late tonight. I gotta tell ya - you guys are AMAZING! You are so supportive, so positive, and always put a smile on my face with your wonderful comments. There is no way to convey what that means to me, and to everyone involved in this process. It really means the world! Thank you, thank you, thank you!! It's also nice to have written proof that I'm wonderful, amazing, inspirational, etc. so that when my husband or kids forget - I can show them and say, "See, all of these people think I'm a peach!" ;)

Speaking of my family, I want to say one more huge thank you to my husband and kids for their support. They are my everything, and I love them more than they will ever know. I am so blessed and so grateful every day to have them in my life. They are the people who inspire me and drive me to be the best possible person I can be.

I also want to thank my Mom and Step-Dad and the rest of my extended family and friends as well as Marc and Michael's family and friends for everything they have done for us, and for putting up with me throughout this process. They've dealt with my anxiety attacks, my whining about needles, they've watched my children, brought my family dinner, given thoughtful gifts and messages, and have just been absolutely wonderful to us. I don't know what I'd do without them.

And thank you Marc and Michael for your friendship and love. It's been a wonderful roller coaster ride, and I look forward to watching you as parents and seeing your girls grow up with your love and guidance, to be the caring and incredible people I know they will be.

I can't wait to share the details of the day with everyone tomorrow, and share pictures of the arrival of Kate and Eliza. It will definitely be a day to remember! <3

1 comment:

  1. I can not wait to see their little faces! Congrats to you, your family, and the happy (soon-to-be) new parents. Those girls are truly blessed.
