Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Double the babies, double the nausea!'s twins. How exciting! For Marc and Michael, that is. :) I had a small panic attack/meltdown the day of the big ultrasound. I'm not sure why, because I had a feeling since the day the embryos were placed, that they would both implant and go forth to become little people. I think the starting point to my anxiety might have been the doctor going through the list of all of the complications I might face since I'm carrying twins. I know, they need to let you know all of the possibilities, but hearing it all is a little nerve wracking. I'm subject to a higher chance of gestational diabetes, preterm labor, bed rest, c-section....ugh. You all know how I feel about needles, so how do you think I feel about the possibility of being sliced open and having my organs laid out on a table??? The thought of it seriously makes me ill. So, let's all start thinking at this very moment, and for the next 7 months - heads down babies, heads down!!! I'm going to be visualizing and starting daily meditation with the mantra - heads downnnnnn, heads downnnnn. Hopefully it works!

Another thing the doctor warned me about - you'll probably start showing earlier. Ummm..yeah. I started showing last year when we started talking about the surrogacy, so that's no surprise! Also, more nausea. Well, that has been rearing it's head with an ugly vengeance! I really wasn't sick with my kids. I had a few days where I experienced some mild nausea in the first trimester, but nothing terrible. These little brats have me nauseous all day, every day, and especially when in the car. I should have known that Hammer's kids would start trouble before even entering the world..... I'm hoping they simmer down in the next couple of weeks. I honestly think a lot of the problem is these injections that I still have to get daily until October 31st. The nurse who secretly hates and wants to destroy me increased my dosage, and I think it's hormone overload. I'm avoiding her phone calls. If she calls me for another blood draw, I'm going to tell her to go poke herself.

The due date is May 16th, but the doctor said to expect to go a month or so early, so we are probably looking at April babies. So, think spring when you are picking out adorable little outfits, bows, and headbands for the girls. ;) Although as sick as they are making me - it might just be little men in there. I'm not sure exactly when we will find out for sure, but it's usually around 16-18 weeks, so sometime November/December.

Until next time, I'm off to eat some crackers, drink some hot tea, and take a nap. :)

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