So, it's the night before the big day. Well - it's actually the morning of the big day. I've felt so positive about this project from the very beginning. I've just had this feeling that it will all go well and run like clockwork. So, I was so surprised to notice that this evening as I started going through the procedure and possibilities in my mind, I started to get very overwhelmed - almost to the point of panic. I think it probably has a little to do with the overload of hormones. The progestrone shots were doubled for the last 3 days before transfer. I think it's also just my normal fear and anxiety coming through. I'm a natural born worrier.
We've spent some time with Marc and Michael over the weekend and I look at them and see the hope and excitement in their faces and hear it in their words. I want this to work so badly and don't want to disappoint them. We have so many people pulling for us and supporting us. Many of those people are following the blog, and I have to say that tonight I read back over all of your comments both here and on facebook and I felt so much better. It just fills me with positive energy and puts a smile on my face. So, thank you so much for that!!!
We will head off to Columbus tomorrow morning and the procedure will take place at 10:20, so send all of your positive energy our way at that time tomorrow! :) I have to have a full bladder during the procedure...after having had 5 kids. So, can you also send hopeful thoughts that I don't pee all over the doctor. Ugh.
They will talk with us in the morning about how many embryos they recommend that we place. It will be either one or two. We decided that more than that would be too risky and we don't want our own TV show. Well...Michael does, but I don't want to be the Octo-Surrogate. So, we are hoping for one healthy baby - twins at most! The procedure takes about 15 minutes. The lab has been calling Marc daily to let him know how the embryos are progressing. We have 9 embryos, which is awesome!!! They are "graded" according to their viability and we have one that is at the highest grade and many that are good - like B or C students, I guess you would say. So, being a teacher, I say we put that high achiever in there and watch it go! We are really pleased at how everything looks so far.
I've had a few friends and family members tell me they have told their children about the procedure, but it's hard to explain. It definitely is! Marc and Michael got Lily (our 6 year old) a book called The Kangaroo Pouch and it helped a lot. It explained everything at a level that made sense to her. She's been very excited since we shared the book with her, and I'm happy that she is now able to share the experience with us a little better now. If anyone would like to borrow the story, I would be happy to lend it to you. It's geared towards kids her age or younger. Older kids would probably find it too simple, but it was perfect for littler ones.
I will be on bedrest for the next two days after the procedure, and will go in for a blood test on September 5th to see what my hcg levels are and see if we have a positive result. Found out today at dinner that Marc and Michael will not be in the same country on the 5th. Marc will be in England. So, that should be interesting. Skype, maybe??
I'll be keeping this quote in mind tomorrow:
Hope is the companion of power, and mother of success; for who so hopes strongly has within him the gift of miracles. ~Samuel Smiles
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