So, most of you following the blog also get news from Facebook, so I'm sure many of you already know the gender news, but if you don't - we have one girl on the way and one uncooperative child. Imagine uncooperative child coming from the loins of Marc or Michael. How can it be??? Since this child decided to be a pain in the ass during the entire hour long ultrasound and not reveal it's gender, I'm going to guess it's a boy, just because that's how men are. We will find out mid-January at the next ultrasound, if the little darling decides to reveal its goods on that date.
The important thing is - they are both healthy, and everything looks great! We were at OSU for this visit to have a more detailed look at the babies than is normally done at the regular OB office. The ultrasound process itself was lengthy. We were there for a little over 2 hours. They checked both the babies and my cervix (to make sure there were no signs or signals that would suggest a danger of preterm labor). The woman performing the ultrasound was nice, seemed quite knowledgeable, and wasVERY thorough. She measured and took pictures of every bone and organ (except the gender oriented organ of one, of course) for each baby! I actually had bruises at the bottom of my stomach for a few days after the process. She also took great pleasure in using very complicated medical terms to describe what she was looking at, to which all of us would say, "And that means......", and she would proceed to say, "Oh, that means things are good - exactly what you want to see."
I had a visit with my regular baby doc on Monday and everything was fine. Heartbeats are good, everything measures well, and just when I thought I would make it out the door free and clear - you know exactly what that son of a bitch said...."I need you to go to the lab and get some bloodwork." Ugh.
The babies move around a lot now. The wonderful varicose veins have started to show up in one leg, my boobs are the size of watermelons, and I'm going through the usual winter stuff like congestion, runny nose, and all that junk, but in general I feel good, and have good energy. I haven't gained any weight yet, but the belly has definitely rounded out quite a bit! I had a lot to lose before the pregnancy, so I'm guessing the healthier eating and October's "no food staying in this stomach" motto have both helped to take away a little weight in other areas and redistribute.
Marc and Michael have shared the names they have picked out - The lovely little lady will be named Katherine Leona. If she has a sister, she will be Elizabeth Jane, and if a brother, Grant Leonard. Lily thinks that the baby is being named after her since Katherine is also her middle name, so she's very honored. :) She's ready to babysit, as is Mady. Mady's requirements are a plane ticket and pizza and she said she'll be there anytime she's needed.
I know I haven't been blogging much, but will try to step it up now that we are over the hump and nearing the third trimester. Peace and Love to you all in 2014!